Like, am I too sensitive and this is justified or is this dumb? My sister Lena’s ex “friends” hate her and act rude to her because Lena autistic, starts conversations with them, and says she likes their outfit occasionally, which they accuse her of doing “every hour”.

Her friend Ashlyn accuses her of being a creepy stalker because Lena approached Ashlyn and her friends, said "Hey”, then remained quiet because it’s RUDE to talk over ppl and when they’re already talking. She then walked away and approached Ashlyn again to make conversation with her only to be told she’s creepy.

“Oh, she’s just upset”

“Oh, she’s just abrasive like that”

“Ppl hate when they’re spoken to. She’s an introvert with depression, NPD, and isn’t used to being greeted” (Most ppl only hate being spoken to by ppl they don’t like).

“Oh, she doesn’t HATE you, she just…”

Ashlyn is also a hypocrite who clearly hates Lena and treats ppl badly (but they suck it up bc they like her that much) and gets mad at ppl but does the same crap. She not only lies that everyone hates Lena, but tries to guilt-trip her into feeling bad for these “poor bullies” who hate Lena, find her and her conditions disgusting, and want her to suffer. This is a bit sick.

(I feel like these bullies are all just one girl pretending to be other ppl, which is quite dedicated of her)

      1 day ago

      I feel like a chunk of the population of Lemmy is people who got banned from Reddit.

      And a portion of that chunk got banned for being too young according to Reddit’s T&C, lol

      1 day ago

      Definitely schoolyard behavior. Doesn’t make it an invalid concern or unworthy of advice, but a lot of adults are probably going to have a hard time relating to this situation. Most will look at this and have a reaction of “no, this situation is not ok”, or maybe “what’s the big deal?” if they lack empathy. Because this wouldn’t be ok with emotionally healthy and functional adults. But it also wouldn’t happen with adults (which is how, OP, you gave yourself away). Kids are much more casually cruel to each other than adults because their empathy is still developing and their perspectives acquired via life experience are still limited.