To play devils advocate though, any “regular social media company” can tap into the fediverse and harvest all of the data and do whatever fucked up things they want to it. The fediverse doesn’t protect you from them, it just puts you outside their algorithm control. Though even that is debatable because it is possible that a lot of posters on Lemmy may have first seen the content from algorithm-driven sources.
To play devils advocate though, any “regular social media company” can tap into the fediverse and harvest all of the data and do whatever fucked up things they want to it. The fediverse doesn’t protect you from them, it just puts you outside their algorithm control. Though even that is debatable because it is possible that a lot of posters on Lemmy may have first seen the content from algorithm-driven sources.
You’re right, but I feel “regular social media companies” can do this on their own networks too, but pretend they don’t.
Oh for sure! It is a lose-lose for the general population no matter what way you look at it.