Pleasedo, maybe this way the wine lobby in france is gonna have a bit less money and we’ll get some less pesticides.
While this is ridiculous, could be worse than putting a tariff on alcohol
Orange Shittler says “it’s time to buy US champagne” like the fucking sundowning syphilitc he is. There is no such thing as US champagne. Champagne only comes from the Champagne region of France.
In the US, it’s either wine pop or wine cola, depending on the region.
Tbf no one cares about any of that
What a fantastic time to not be American. Actually it’s always a fantastic time to not be American.
Putting tariffs on luxury goods that most of us can’t afford is probably the least bad thing Trump’s done so far.
How low has america fallen when a bottle of wine (an $8 expense) is a “luxury item most of america can’t afford”
You cannot afford a bottle of wine?
Is European wine a luxury? You can find some great Italian and Spanish wines in $20 range.
Looking at that price tag: Yup, luxury. I know a few good wines at 5$.
More champagne for us then.
A tariff on champagne would mostly hit the rich so go for it hahaha
It would hit plenty of us working class schmucks too. I don’t usually get to treat myself to a bottle, but it’s nice for a special occasion to get actual champagne over prosecco. I guess this is the end of that.
Pretty sure you have bigger problems? Asking for a friend.
Prosecco is Italian, so I assume would be covered too?
True. But decent bottles of prosecco start at like $8, and decent champagne starts at like $40.
Is that so? A good champagne is 20-30 Euros in Germany
Transport from France to Germany is a lot cheaper than from France to USA. But I don’t know why Italian prosecco is so much cheaper. Same issue with bordeaux vs. (say) tuscan.
Of course it does it’s French and overpriced. Buy Rotkäppchen.
Meh. Freixenet is the way to go. But I am on your side with champagne being overpriced. Same shit, fancy name.
Geez guys, there’s good Sekt, so please do not promote that awful and not even cheap stuff
California produces many excellent sparkling wines, some of which are quite affordable. We’ve got a bit of a grape glut as well, so that should help with prices. European wines going to Canada sounds like a good plan as well! I’m all for anything that pries the big-money donors away from Trump but I hope this is one that won’t hurt ordinary folks too much.
Send it to Canada. We have extra shelf space since US booze was removed.
Let’s drink to that. Cheers!
Next up: Trump says “Its easy: just produce your French wine in the US to avoid the tariffs”
“Produce a regional wine which can no longer be named by its region, but has to be called ‘sparkling’ instead - in the us”
Now the rich and middle classes will overthrow him.
Let’s remind everyone that Trump doesn’t drink alcohol, doesn’t smoke and eats his steak well done covered in ketchup.
MacDonald’s sell steak?
Did he say he only eats at McD? I must say that, for as long as I visited the US, their steaks, cooked medium-rare, where the main reason to endure the travel and the people there.
Too bad you’re adding to the plastic in your brain with every meat consumption. Idk about ‘only’ but he looks like he’s made of McD trash and he eats it everyday apparently.
Well done*
Right, sorry, I don’t know why my brain misfired there.
Hooray! Looks like I can start to sell my wine cellar for a big profit and make a tiny dent in my 401(k) loss
The EU should increase the tariff on bourbon to 800%, would be funny.
Let’s do super random goods. Like 1000% on marshmallows or something.
The EU is doing something infinitely better than placing tariffs on random goods, a strategy already used when that orange turd was US president the last time. They are very specifically targeting products of US states that voted for him and his party where the impact on the EU economy is minimal.
No surprise he is foaming at the mouth over that, I guess those in his inner circle who do have more brains than him (Is it true that all orange presidents have to share the single brain cell with all the orange cats, by the way?) did already complain about the bad EU ruining their business.
That’s insulting to Garfield. :D
Well Bourbon is a pretty red state product
I didn’t know we do that. Only heard that Canada does it. I’m curious how this will affect groceries. Couldn’t think of much, because Europe is pretty self-sustaining with 95% of goods.
We have a protein crop shortfall, most of it goes to animal fodder and is South American soy, the rest is Canadian lentils.
But yes impact in Europe will be minimal, both when it comes to our tariffs because minimising impact is built into them and, apparently, also when it comes to theirs, because Trump doesn’t give a fuck about applying tariffs strategically. The rest of the world will be more than happy to buy our alcohol, maybe at slightly lower prices but it’s not like it’s hard to sell.
Can’t make Champagne in the USA, one thing us Europeans won’t stand for is calling a food something if it wasn’t made in the right region. Brought to by Big Hallomi
I mean, I’m going to guess that if this administration wants to do something, then international laws about place of origin don’t matter anymore either.
Excellent then… if USA won’t respect intl rules, I would finally be able to open my Spider-man vs Darth Vader themed cafe and pay nothing to Disney for it
I would like to visit your cafe
Just commenting to say that Zzyzx is the password I use to lock the diagnostic math test we use at the middle school where I teach. I still remember passing by that road sign on the way to Vegas from LA and doing a triple take.
The word and the place is a fun bit of trivia!
That was my thought exactly, like GI laws are going to apply in Trump’s new kingdom
By new executive order, Champaign will now be known as “Trump’s Freedom Juice”.
For whatever tariff he adds, we should compensate by a long term « positive » deal with our Canada ally.