What are the domains, and how do you find them? Can I use a wildcard like *.mozilla.net and still firefox/thunderbird works?
Most of the telemetry can be disabled in the Firefox settings. Some of the web services depend on some Mozilla domains so blocking all Mozilla domains will probably break a few things here and there?
Other than that, with the current situation, I would already think to switch to a Firefox fork or other alternative.
Firefox is walking a very dark path right now and you can see/feel how they are slowly rolling the enshitification path :/
Hmm, this telemetry can just be disabled, can’t it?
Edit: As rtxn and n0x0n point out, we can adjust settings in Firefox itself and expect them to stay applied, but any settings done within the websites for Mozilla’s services could be changed on the Mozilla end at any time. Probably best to have an extra layer to this just in case.
Yes. Yes it can, and you bet your bibby people will be watching to see if Mozilla bypassed those settings, not that they ever have in their multiple decades of existence.
You’ll also have to opt out of using Mozilla services like browsing and bookmark sync.
The question is, can you trust Mozilla to respect those settings, to not change them, and to not remove them? Judging by the events of the last week, I certainly wouldn’t. I would prefer a solution that is entirely out of Mozilla’s control.
What? What?
Their track record has no instance of them not respecting settings! A track record of multiple decades! The code is fully auditable, so any of those shenanigans would be caught immediately!
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills lately.
We need to be on guard and verify they don’t do this shit, but outright expecting it? When Firefox also has a history of absolutely abysmal PR on shit like this, without the follow up of abysmal practices?
It feels like accelerationism. Like people want Firefox to fail, rather than just wanting to be prepared if it does.
Check the wording. I said Mozilla, not Firefox.
I think Firefox is a great product and want it to succeed, but lately Mozilla has been burning its reputation by chasing the advertising and AI trends. Make no mistake, they are a for-profit company. That doesn’t mean their products should be shunned, but they shouldn’t be exempt from skepticism and rational distrust simply for being the lesser evil.
My apologies, with the collective chicken little-ing around Firefox I didn’t read as clearly as I should have.
Yeah, control should be on the user’s end rather than expecting a website or external resource to not change.
Fire up the browser and watch the DNS logs, you’ll need to still allow update checks most likely.
Unless the updates are done from your distro’s repos