• SmokeODoggO@lemmy.world
    13 hours ago

    My interpretation of right wingers defending Ethan on CPS is because even they believe its unhinged to get children involved in the h3-snark war (I dont recall them targeting them through their kids ever) they certainly dont defend him in any other capacity that ive seen.

    I’m not sure what reaction ideas you’re refering to, could you elaborate please?

    Ethan isn’t defending the IDF, he’s donated to Palestinian relief efforts and is critical of IDF, his view has always been that war effects the innocent and advocating for death for either side will never result in peace.

    The criticism of other influencers is because they spread a rhetoric of IDF should all be killed and anyone who was ever part of the IDF are baby killers, add to it people perpetuating narratives of his wife being a baby killer, photoshopping her, playing games about killing IDF while commentating that they are looking for desk clerks (hilas position) to kill. (Edit: blantant antisemitic posts that seem to slip through social media filters, but constantly getting called out for small things some of which he didnt do at all, look at twitch with Hasan content nuke, hasan skates by on a 1 day ban while h3 got a month ban for showing hasan content (which was later reversed after a request for appeal was denied).

    I have never seen Ethan use his fans to dox or harass and anytime its joked about he says dont actually do it, its bad etc etc.

    On a note: I just watched the link in your other comment about doxing and I disagree its doxing.

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing I dont think it fits this definition. He looks at this guys public profile and AB said oh this hotdog is outside a museum at someplace (I couldn’t properly hear what place) then they discussed if it moves around. I watched about 5 minutes past the timestamp and didnt see anywhere h3 encourages fans to threaten this guy or his family.

    An example of actual what id call doxing is what happens in the h3 snark discord where they post h3s studio address, TF business address and private address (while encouraging harassment).

    Edit: I have made a few edits to this post to try to clear up some grammar, and reword a few things.