Hey, I’m a huge Star Trek fan and have seen all of that stuff endlessly.

I love the Star Trek community, and it seems Doctor who has a similar thing.

So, I want to check out this show. Can someone recommend a good place to start?

Can I just pick a series based on the actor? I was considering the series with Matt Smith. Just because I saw a few clips with him.

  • haverholm@kbin.earth
    20 days ago

    I’d say go with your impulse and start with Matt Smith’s first season. It’s a great jumping on point, while very much being season 5 of an ongoing show. Viewers were introduced to the new Doctor through a child’s eyes (I’m simplifying here to avoid spoilers), and it gives a new sense of wonder to the drip fed lore references throughout.

    Because of the show’s history you could more or less start with any new Doctor, but for new viewers in 2025 I believe the Smith years* are a good starting point.

    Others will recommend you begin with the 2005 revival but IMO those first seasons can look a little janky by current standards. There are seminal stories there that you absolutely must watch, but the visuals level up a bit when showrunner Steven Moffat take over and Matt Smith becomes the Doctor.

    * or “era” as Who fans somewhat arbitrarily call any actor, writer, and/or producer’s run on the show. Some fans get very uptight about terminology (like insisting that only classic Who has “seasons” and everything post-1989 must be called “series” instead) but don’t pay any serious attention to them 😆

    • neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      19 days ago

      Thanks for sharing some of the culture. I decided to start with the first “series”. I’ve watched 2.5 episodes so far and I have found it to be a bit silly, but not too much. I am interested in the doctor’s backstory as a time lord, but please do not spoil it. I am looking forward to finding out more about him over time.

      • haverholm@kbin.earth
        18 days ago

        Don’t worry, the show will elaborate. The 2005 revival takes great care to phase new viewers in 🙂 Can’t argue with your starting at Eccleston!

        And yes, Doctor Who is a lighthearted show that can be goofy in one episode but veer into horror in the next… enjoy the ride!

        • neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
          18 days ago

          Thanks! I was worried they would never elaborate on the Doctor’s origin.

          In Trek, they always reference the Romulans as the enemies, but there are hardly any episodes about them.

          • haverholm@kbin.earth
            18 days ago

            There will be some delicious Time Lord lore dumps, and more… plus, if you really get bit by the Who bug, there are several cool, classic episodes to dive into 🙂