Asking because there’s a TV show coming out soon that I’m excited for, but I’m having flashbacks of all the times I’ve had to wait up to two years for something to come out, often due to delays.

      30 days ago

      I was just waiting for next Half-Life. And Alyx delivered big time. So guess that reset the timer :D

      29 days ago

      It’s not much, but an intro for Project Borealis has actually been released! There’s only ~10 minutes of gameplay/content and it doesn’t run great, but the artistic direction looks promising.

    30 days ago

    Been waiting 8 years to be told I’m allowed to turn my pp into a not pp 🥲 More waiting to go yet

      28 days ago

      I still hold onto the moment when I saw a crowdfunding video for it back in 2012. I got so excited that I went over to a friend’s house and showed it to him. I remember him not being that excited but did ask how long until it came out. I thought for a moment while I recalled how long it took Blizzard Ent. to prototype, build, fix, and ship (vanilla) WoW. I said to him. “I figure it will be 4 years before they announce a soft or hard release date. So we might hear about it heavily in 2016 as they get ready to release it sometime in 2017. I’d be surprised if they had to wait till 2018.” 💀

    30 days ago

    The Winds of Winter? At this point though I’m not sure I’m actually waiting anymore.

      30 days ago

      you know what, this is, probably mine also.

      I read all the books that were out before the show was even announced, and didn’t realize that the story wasn’t finished.

      then the show started and I was like oh well, at least they have to finish the novels before the TV show will be fully produced.

      joke was on me.

      28 days ago

      I have a thing called ADHD that makes it really hard for me to read novels. Hell, any story really. But I got really into the TV show and was excited to see such a great TV production come about. The stories were often enthralling and the twists and turns of the material in the first four seasons were amazing. It was I believe at the beginning of season 5 that I heard that George R. R. Martin hadn’t finished the sixth book yet, and there was concern that it would conflict with the TV show adaptation. Story, characters, and conclusion being the largest concerns. It was very concerning to me that by the time that season 6 was announced, The Winds of Winter was still not close to being done. After early season 6 is where I (and I believe a lot of others,) felt like the TV show was starting to stall out and then started to come down in story, character, and outcomes. Season 7 was a mess and the enjoyment of watching was lackluster. But I and most likely a large amount of other fans, felt like they had spent to much time getting ‘involved’ in the story and characters that we just wanted to see where this thing would land. They should have extended the time between the release and production of each season when it was clear that George R. R. needed time to finish things. Extending the wait time I strongly believe would have been accepted by most of the fans as it would have in theory, allowed for the seasons to not slope downward in the previously mentioned qualities. Even if I had to wait up to two years for each of the next seasons, I had concluded that I would rather that accrue than for them to release worse and worse seasons and episodes because they didn’t have the full story to utilize.

      I was pissed about what they had done to the series. Season 8 was an abomination.

      As the years went on, it became clear to me, that George R. R, Martin was not going to finish the last two books. And honestly… How could he?! The sure amount of backlash that the TV show got when it didn’t stick the landing. I can only imagine that he would rather die a hero for making what he did and not die a villain for what people might think of the last two books of the series.

    30 days ago

    They were marketing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (though not by name, because it didn’t have a name yet) before the WiiU was released. And they strung everybody along until after the Switch was released.

    Fuckers! I was an early adopter of the WiiU because “well, I’ll for sure want one when the WiiU exclusive Zelda title comes out.”

    30 days ago

    I mean there are several things I still look forward to, but the grammar implies things that have already happened. I guess Dwarf Fortress with an actual GUI, so for around about a decade.

      30 days ago

      This is a Lemmy comment. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It menaces with diorite spikes. On it is an inscription of a human sitting at a computer foaming at the mouth absolutely hyped. This inscription relates to the official release of Dwarf Fortress premium during the Third Age of Strife on the sixth of december in the year 2022. Overall, its prose is masterful and consise.

      Value: 1☼

    29 days ago

    Silksong 🥲 waiting since 2019, release window in 2023 was cancelled in the last month of the window, no communication since except “we’re still working on it”. Subreddit has gone crazy unlike anything I’ve ever seen, someone from there possibly offed themselves a couple weeks ago due to their shitposting.

    I can’t wait to read history books about it

    30 days ago

    For most things if I’m gonna be waiting more than a few weeks, I’ll let myself kind of forget about it and then enjoy it whenever it happens.

    That said, I didn’t do that for The Wheel of Time TV show. I learned about it relatively late; a few months before release, and then spent a lot of time reading up on it, looking into the cast, watching trailers, interacting with WoT communities online, and just generally getting kind of hyped. Most people seemed pretty positive about it. It was looking like it might actually be a good adaptation of one of my favorite book series.

    Then it came out and it was the single most disappointing adaptation I’ve seen since Eragon.

  • Rob
    30 days ago

    A bit silly. I picked up the Holy Mightstone quest item on my WoW paladin in like 2005, and decided to save it to use, someday, to get some RP revenge on Arthas. I held on to it until facing him down I’m WotLKs Icecrown Citadel raid, and used it on our first boss attempt. I want to say that was 7 years but I can’t be arsed to look it up.

    Immediately wiped, of course, but winning was never the point.

    30 days ago

    Eight years ago Puyo Puyo Tetris got localized. The crossover is a massive step down from past main series games, but it was the first game to get localized since Fever in 2004. I hated it as a game, but I thought that it would be a good sign for the future because its record sales would surely mean the next mainline game would get localized too.

    We never got an actual mainline game. But we’ve been teased over and over instead.

    The next year we got Puyo Puyo Champions, a budget versus mode client that’s pretty much just a romhack of PPT’s engine with assets recycled from the mobile spinoff. It actually fixes all of the problems I had with PPT, the online is fantastic… but it is still nothing more than a bare bones versus mode client. There is no story mode or any other singleplayer content at all, nothing like the fantastic stuff past games were packed with, which makes it a very hard sell for new players.

    Then we got Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. A bugged ctrl-c ctrl-v of the first game. Literally no new content. I already hated the first one and this is even worse in every way. Even the things that Champions fixed are broken again. The fact that this horrible rehash even exists is an insult and I detest it with every fiber of my being. But the worst part is that it split the playerbase from Champions, which basically ended up killing both games in the end.

    Then Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop. The trailer looked like it was finally going to deliver on what I wanted. But they made it exclusive to Apple fucking Arcade. The game is so dead that if you try to play it online, you will simply be matched into bots. Sega knew the exclusivity deal would kill this game and they tried to fake the online to cover it up.

    Eight years of disappointment after disappointment. The IP is long dead, Sega’s just parading its corpse around to tease.