I’ve gone handwritten, obsidian, onenote, and now Trilium. Considering switching to something else because there is no offline mobile support.

I use memos and trilium together but since neither offers mobile offline support considering switching both. No reason to run two services when I could run one.


  • Joplin
  • Logseq
  • SiYuan
  • ?
  • renard_roux@beehaw.org
    29 days ago

    Obsidian, any day, all day.

    • Desktop client on macOS computer and laptop
    • Desktop client on Fedora Linux laptop
    • Android app on phone
    • Everything synced with Dropbox
    • Dropsync to sync Dropbox to phone
    • Local and cloud backup (Backblaze B2 + Google Drive) his my NAS

    I love it so much that I live in near constant fear for them to somehow enshittify it 😔