So as the title mentions, I’m wondering how much is too much?

I am currently using Brave with the setting to:

  • Aggressively block trackers & ads
  • Only connect with HTTPS
  • Block fingerprinting
  • Block cross-site cookies

In addition to that, I have installed the following extensions:

  • uBlock Origin
  • Ghostery
  • Decentraleyes
  • DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials

So my question is: Is this overkill? If so, what should/could be removed that may be redundant? I want as much coverage as possible, but not have things bloated.

      1 year ago

      Eh, only 2 sorta well. I’ve tried learning a bit more, but without being immersed regularly I lose them relatively fast. I can still read a bit of some of them, and hear things in movies or tv shows that I understand.

      How about you? You have to have a couple you can at least get around with?