Diaspora* only supports diaspora protocol. It has about a few thousands MAU I’d say. If you use it you can interact with Diaspora* users and with Friendica/Hubzilla users from servers that have the diaspora addon. You can see a list of Diaspora* pods here.
Friendica on the other hand natively supports ActivityPub, and has addons for BlueSky, Diaspora* and Tumblr (Not all servers have them enabled). It has 3k MAU, but you can communicate with much wider range of folk. There’s also the Friendica directory, allowing you to find interesting folk to follow much more easily. If you want a stable instance I can recommend https://friendica.world/ , it’s managed by the admins of lemmy.world .
Thanks. Yeah after further considerations I went with Friendica. And yes I created my account on Friendica.world also. I think it has a better shot at surviving. But we never know. It takes one fuck-up and everything could go to shit.
I would have recommended you mine or venera.social. They’re around 10 years old or something, so quite some time. But they’ve temporarily closed signups. nerdica.net and anonsys.net have also been around for quite some time, although the former had some problems last year and lost years of database. ouch.
Then there’s social.trom.tf, which has some of the most wonderful custom themes I’ve seen on Friendica, but their opinions on stuff are a bit weird for me…
I would have recommended you mine or venera.social.
What is your server? Which Friendica instance would you recommend that is currently accepting sign-ups? I’m very interested in trying out Friendica to move away from Facebook completely.
Diaspora* only supports diaspora protocol. It has about a few thousands MAU I’d say. If you use it you can interact with Diaspora* users and with Friendica/Hubzilla users from servers that have the diaspora addon. You can see a list of Diaspora* pods here.
Friendica on the other hand natively supports ActivityPub, and has addons for BlueSky, Diaspora* and Tumblr (Not all servers have them enabled). It has 3k MAU, but you can communicate with much wider range of folk. There’s also the Friendica directory, allowing you to find interesting folk to follow much more easily. If you want a stable instance I can recommend https://friendica.world/ , it’s managed by the admins of lemmy.world .
Thanks. Yeah after further considerations I went with Friendica. And yes I created my account on Friendica.world also. I think it has a better shot at surviving. But we never know. It takes one fuck-up and everything could go to shit.
I would have recommended you mine or venera.social. They’re around 10 years old or something, so quite some time. But they’ve temporarily closed signups. nerdica.net and anonsys.net have also been around for quite some time, although the former had some problems last year and lost years of database. ouch.
Then there’s social.trom.tf, which has some of the most wonderful custom themes I’ve seen on Friendica, but their opinions on stuff are a bit weird for me…
For the rest I don’t know that much.
What is your server? Which Friendica instance would you recommend that is currently accepting sign-ups? I’m very interested in trying out Friendica to move away from Facebook completely.