Apparently, the PC I was given by my employer less than a year ago is too out of date (uses Windows 10) and I have to have Windows 11 now for security reasons. I have a gaming PC, but it’s my partner’s, too, and it’d be a huge waste of its power and graphics card, plus it’d have to be moved. I really don’t want to do that.

A new company owns the company I work for now, but still. This is not what I agreed to. Ugh. I’m so annoyed.

It’s not that expensive, really ($200), but it’s the principle of the matter. How long will it be before they force me to do this again, anyway??? I already get paid a shit wage.

  • recursive_recursion they/
    2 months ago

    When I initially saw the post title I was going to provide recommendations for building one but after reading your situation I agree with the rest of the commentors here.

    Your work/boss requiring you to BYOC is a HUGE red flag. If anything, I’d also recommend asking for a stipend that would fully cover the expense for a computer, if they say no and tell you to bring the one you have from home say no. They cannot force you to bring your own computer for work.

    In the worst case scenario that they choose to be idiotic and fire you for saying no then you will be obligated for severance and/or unemployment insurance if I remember correctly.

    *I made grammar revisions for this comment