Consider if [neo]imperialism prevailed and was able to halt China’s development. That would be a historic defeat, not only for the workers and peasants of China. It would have a global impact.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a terrible setback for the working-class struggle globally. The capitalist class gained a huge advantage and set out to recolonize whole parts of the world that had made huge gains. Eastern Europe reverted to its former semi-colonial status compared to Western Europe. In Africa and throughout the Arab world, U.S. [neo]imperialism set out to unravel the gains of nationalist régimes.

  • Black
    1 year ago

    Last I checked, China wasn’t trying to establish drone bases out of Niger, didn’t try to do the same thing with Burkina Faso or Mali, isn’t sanctioning Eritrea to literal death for daring to be a socialist Afrikan nation, and doesn’t have an entire military command structure literally called AFRICOM dedicated to the cause of colonizing sovereign Afrikan nations, establishing even more military bases with which to enforce their leeching of resources, and fomenting terrorist organizations to do the dirty work of attacking those who won’t concede ‘diplomatically’ to them, but

    Go off, yankee.

      1 year ago

      How come that every single country that china borders, has border disputes with China? Look it up, every single one.

      Please educate us: what happened in Tibet, if China isn’t imperialistic?

      China is building naval bases all over the place. And colonizing African Nations? What do you think the belts and roads initiative is all about?

      One important factor, why countries have foreign military bases on their land is because they get security guarantees because they fear a foreign invasion. I.e.: Philippines being invaded by China. The Filipinos would rather live under cooperation with the USA than under Chinese rule.

      If you love China so hard ,why don’t you live there? If you love hardcore communism so much, visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and killing fields in Cambodia. I’ve been there and I lived under communism.

      It’s funny how the most vocal talkies all live in western countries.