Is it possible to have a “style guide” for posting YouTube links? Usually there is just the title of the video and the generic YouTube blurb, and most of the time the title only vaguely tells you what the video is about. It would nice if in the description we could have folks post the length, the name of the creator, and a brief description of the video. If the creator has one, great, use that. If not, just a quick 1 or 2 sentence synopsis. I think this would help engagement for those posts a lot and just create better quality posts for video content. I know I don’t watch or comment on any video post that just has a title.

  • coyotino [he/him]
    3 months ago

    This is a great idea, I’ve also posted video links before and noticed that they don’t get a lot of traction. I also felt like I didn’t know what to do with the title - it was clear to me that I should do more than just the video title, but what else should I do?

    We’ve got some good ideas here already. My proposals are that the title should include the length and the channel in brackets, and there should be a tldw in the description or comments.