I’m a bit lost here, to be fair. I went full no contact with my family back when I was 16. Took a hike, even across countries. So, apparently what happened, was my ex brother in law not keeping his mouth shut and sharing my number with my family. I still can’t make heads or tails of it. But now my dad wants to be real chummy and friendy with me? Fuck that, honestly. I’m not super mad at him, more at the rest of my family, but it seriously hurts right now. What am I supposed to do? I’m at a loss here. Haven’t really talked to the person for over 21 years.

  • troglodytis@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Listen to your you.

    I went NC with my father when I was 13. About 10 years later we were in the same hospital room as his mom was getting ready to die. Then again a year later when his dad was, I asked the hospice nurse to remove him for my visit.

    About 10 years after that I got a call from my step sis that my father was dying and likely wouldn’t make it past a couple of days, that now was the time to come make amends.

    I am so damn thankfull for that call. I still relish that I had the opportunity to actively say “No.” Fuck that guy, worst human I’ve ever met. My life has been awesome without him.