I mean this in a serious way. Like, I’m so sick of the goddamn spectacle of these ghouls. They smile and lie to us with blood splattered on their faces, chanting their vacuous slogans, forming cults of personality. And every 4 years, we can’t escape their names and poison words being drilled into our fucking heads from every angle. I’m tired, and sick of seeing their faces, I’m always sick of the stress of politics, but it just feels like additional screws being tightened for no discernable gain or benefit.
in my opinion, within the context of bourgeois democracy, a parliamentary proportional representation system is the best. in that it can force the bigger parties into coalitions with smaller ones. it’ll actually cause your PSL/Green vote to actually count. But obviously neither of the major parties wants it.
The American ‘democracy’ is one of the least democratic ones.
Ideally with some sort of mechanism to ensure the party makeup in parliament matches the overall percentages of the vote, otherwise you end up with the UK where half the time the Tories get like 70% of the seats with like 30% of the vote
Yep, Proportional Representation. South Africa is a good example.
We need fluid e-democracy
On the blockchain
Thanks, I hate it almost as much as Monday’s.
It really is, it’s so gross.