• Alaskaball [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 day ago

    Restart the chiskas effective immediately after ww2 and try to increase the education quality in the youth league so as to build the pool of quality cadres that will replace the old leadership with new leadership. Probably find or have trusted allies find for me exemplary party youth league leadership to accelerate their own rise to positions of power so as to ensure a more administrative, bureaucratic, and party positions have increased inputs from wider Soviet society instead of just the old guard of it. Due to the Great Patriotic War hollowing out the population pool between the children and the elderly, trying to find the best candidates to ensure a continued ideological transmission between the most experienced and the least experienced is critical for the continued existence of the Soviet system while ensuring those who will carry forth the torch will be the most exemplary of the Soviet people.

    Probably during and after the chiskas, I’d want to try and politically maneuver Molotov into a more solid position while reempowering Kaganovich to try and get him and Khrushchev to essentially switch places on the politburo. I’d probably also try to convince Mikhail Suslov to work closer with Molotov and Kaganovich while maneuvering Nikolai Voznesensky to replace Aleksey Kirichenko as well as maneuvering the Zhadanovites Kuznetsov and Kosygin as well as the youthful Brezhnev into the presidium as well. If possible I’d try to play Zhukov and Beria off against each other while setting the Groundwork to repoliticize the military and reintroduce civilian checks upon them while diluting the strength of the NKVD

    Try to ensure that should I die early, Molotov and/or Kaganovich will be the leading premier or legs of a troika.

    Probably reorganize the comintern under the name of the comiform proper and direct all the popular communist parties of europe to actively work to peacefully take power while providing full material support in all forms to ensure their security and financial stability in both winning electoral power and building economic and infrastructure dual power structures to act as shields against state repression, while providing full material support and funding to all militant communist parties that are fighting to liberate their nations.

    Work the Comecon into a multi-national socialist economic system that fully integrates the economies of its constituents into an international non-dollar common market alternative to the rising dollar, and work to create an international version of the gosplan that works in conjunction with national gosplans to work on uniting all member states into a true federative economic powerhouse that uplifts the workers steadily towards collective prosperity.

    Task Soviet foreign intelligence to hunt down and either capture or kill every fascist mongrel that escaped west. I don’t want mossad claiming the glory of hanging monsters like Eichmann like a soap on a string, I want that fucker dragged all the way to moscow alongside every other rabid dog so they can have their legacies and names dragged in the mud and destroyed publicly before getting proper Nuremberg hangings and having their ashes thrown into the sewers.

    Probably tell the inner circle that it’s okay to say I made some mistakes after my death, like an 80/20 ratio.

    Also probably start easing off the alcohol, tobacco, and fatty foods and try to start taking low doses of aspirin and walking daily.

    Maybe flip a coin on actually trying to assassinate John Wayne.

    Actually investigate the Soviet archives to see what’s actually true and what’s full of shit, and possibly set up a commission with the task of slowly and methodically disseminating the truth to the world to counteract the inevitable cold war bullshit that’s to come.

    See what writings Stalin left that can be put together into an actual decent biography and glimpse into his life and thoughts so we don’t have to deal with jackasses like conquest, semenbag, or kotkin. Also I wanna see if he actually was a Robin hood like mother fucker.

    See if Beria is as much of a a creep as he is accused of being. If yes, gonna be a real shitstorm trying to figure out how to transition power out of his hands without having to get the axe out. If no, then he just sort of sucks as a right opportunist and should be kept at an appropriate and comfortable distance.

    Probably push for building the nuclear triad a bit earlier than historically expected and use it as a shield against direct u.s intervention in non-aligned military conflicts with communist involvement as much as possible.

    Too much work in the maybe 3 years to be done. I’d at least at minimum want a more smooth transition of power that keeps Khrushchev and Zhukov from overthrowing the presidium

    Watch the red army choir perform.

    Try driving a t-34.

    Go to a sauna.

    Try and smuggle a bunch of cool shit into Alaska and task some agents to build a long-lasting proper time capsule so modern me can go have a fun treasure hunt, assuming that when I die as Stalin I get to go back to the alternate timeline world as I am and enjoy the fuck out of some prime memorabilia.