The Republican nominee’s preoccupation with dictators, and his disdain for the American military, is deepening.

In April 2020, Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private, was bludgeoned to death by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood, in Texas. The killer, aided by his girlfriend, burned Guillén’s body. Guillén’s remains were discovered two months later, buried in a riverbank near the base, after a massive search.

Guillén, the daughter of Mexican immigrants, grew up in Houston, and her murder sparked outrage across Texas and beyond. Fort Hood had become known as a particularly perilous assignment for female soldiers, and members of Congress took up the cause of reform. Shortly after her remains were discovered, President Donald Trump himself invited the Guillén family to the White House. With Guillén’s mother seated beside him, Trump spent 25 minutes with the family as television cameras recorded the scene.

In the meeting, Trump maintained a dignified posture and expressed sympathy to Guillén’s mother. “I saw what happened to your daughter Vanessa, who was a spectacular person, and respected and loved by everybody, including in the military,” Trump said. Later in the conversation, he made a promise: “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that,” he said. “I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.”

Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”

The personal qualities displayed by Trump in his reaction to the cost of the Guillén funeral—contempt, rage, parsimony, racism—hardly surprised his inner circle. Trump has frequently voiced his disdain for those who serve in the military and for their devotion to duty, honor, and sacrifice. Former generals who have worked for Trump say that the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience. As his presidency drew to a close, and in the years since, he has become more and more interested in the advantages of dictatorship, and the absolute control over the military that he believes it would deliver. “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two people who heard him say this. “People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.” (“This is absolutely false,” Pfeiffer wrote in an email. “President Trump never said this.”)

    5 hours ago

    Yeah, and trump lowered my taxes!

    I hear this a lot, and it’s so weird to me since he didn’t. It’s also weird because even if he did, which he didn’t, is that really all that matters? I feel like I’m in the minority here but I wouldn’t sell my soul for a small amount of extra cash every year and that’s coming from someone who could really use it as well…

      2 hours ago

      There is a difference between realizing that the money you pay in taxes pays for stuff that benefits the citizens vs the govenrment is taking my money and using it on stupid things or wasting it.

      They also conveniently forget/ignore that because we have relatively low taxes in the US, all the benefits like state funded college, universal healthcare, paid family leave, etc are just externalized onto you in the form of private insurance, tuition, and no family leave. I would happily pay more in taxes if it meant that was nationalized. You could damn near double my witholding and I would still come out ahead when you figure in the cost of private health insurance.

      Our first kid cost $12000 out of pocket on private insuance that cost my wife and I $1400/month after my employer paid half of the monthly premium.

      I fully expect my kids tuition to be over $100k by the time they are in college unless something changes.