Fluent polymorphism via duck typing. It’s useful when you’re treating objects as a collection of properties, and therefore it’s not their type that matters but which properties they have. Types can still be used to label common collections of properties but it’s less painful to talk about objects that are “like an X but with/without certain properties,” or where some properties themselves have a different shape, etc. This is applicable to web APIs, not just because of JSON, but because it allows to define both very rigid and very flexible schemas without much overhead or repetition. See the OpenAPI specification.
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The real question is since when CSS is good?
Little diddy bout Jack and Diane
ITs NoT StRoNgLy TyPeD aNd Is ThErEfOrE gArBaGe
Give me one advantage of language that isn’t strongly typed
It’s not a debate I care to have, I just think it’s funny that people want to build websites but hate how websites are built.
Fluent polymorphism via duck typing. It’s useful when you’re treating objects as a collection of properties, and therefore it’s not their type that matters but which properties they have. Types can still be used to label common collections of properties but it’s less painful to talk about objects that are “like an X but with/without certain properties,” or where some properties themselves have a different shape, etc. This is applicable to web APIs, not just because of JSON, but because it allows to define both very rigid and very flexible schemas without much overhead or repetition. See the OpenAPI specification.