
  • Beej
    16 hours ago

    Fuck the ad-based Internet right back to the putrid hole it came from. The second uBO stops working is the second I stop using that browser.

    I wasn’t always this way. I used to not block ads to help support creators. I used to have ads on my website 15 years ago. And for this transgression, I sincerely apologize.

    Now I make money at my day job and everything I post, which is a substantial amount, is free and untracked (except for 5 days of web server request logs).

    Sure I can’t write full time with this model, but we’re billions of people. If we each just made 10 minutes of good content a week, that’s more than we can possibly consume.

    And I’d rather have more good content than I could possibly read than the mountains of AI-generated SEO tripe that advertising brings.