I mean the actual medicine part. When I think about it, there are still no cures for the major things that ail us (e.g. cancer, etc.). China cured that one guy from his diabetes, but I haven’t heard anything beyond that.

The “promise” of stem cell technology from 20 years ago still hasn’t amounted to anything that your average person can get (and there are all sorts of shady overseas places that give ppl “stem cell” injections, but honestly we should have figured out that shit by now).

If you tear a ligament/tendon, guess what, that shit will never heal back to 100%, and the “oh just rest and do physical therapy” shit is annoying because you’re only really working around the problem and not solving it.

On top of that, as you get older it’s harder for your body to heal from injuries, sickness, etc. and I’ve yet to see any legit progress on anti-aging. If your heart is damaged or arteries clogged, I don’t see any way to reverse it.

And after covid, it’s all been fucked. How many people have long covid and the medical establishment just throws it’s hands up shrug-outta-hecks basically treating an entire segment of the population as though it was a bad crop yield ("I guess there’s always the next batch!!).

And doctors themselves are often the biggest dipshits out there. They are high off their own supply because they’re “smart” and lack the empathy to actually listen to patients. Either they’re older conservative types or younger lib dipshits. And there are so many horror stories about nurses that talk shit about patients. It’s just dismal.

The common reply is that “biology is hard” but honestly that’s a WEAK excuse. So many advances were made in the past, and there are so many more to be made. An actual concerted international effort, unhindered by profit motives and fucking insurance, hospital, pharmaceutical industries, etc. would almost certainly yield results. I mean look at Cuba coming up with a lung cancer vaccine and curing HIV in an infant. Look at China curing diabetes in that one guy. These advances are possible, but honestly they aren’t coming fast enough. If you’re suffering from a terrible disease/ailment, the “promise” of a new drug that still may be 10 years away is just terrible.

So even if we had 100% socialism now with free healthcare, there are still so many things that need to be addressed. I can’t help but think that had the Soviet Union not fallen, we would have had cures for many things. Hopefully xi-beard can do something about this, but overall I’m still super bummed that the future we dreamed has not materialized.

  • plinky [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 days ago

    Cause you can’t fix structural breaks, like ligament tears, with drugs. Best you can hope for is put it in good position, and maybe eat something promoting repairs.

    Also, anti-aging always got tons of money (guess why), and billionaires seems to live to like 90+. I have very significant doubts it will advance much though, it will have to be something like you take it before 20 or some shit and it works (so we’ll see in like 50 years)

    • bidenicecream@hexbear.netOP
      11 days ago

      Cause you can’t fix structural breaks, like ligament tears, with drugs.

      I didn’t say it had to be cured by drugs, but something that promotes the repair back to 100%, be it stem cells or whatever, cuz even after a surgery that shit never heals back to 100%.

      Also, anti-aging always got tons of money (guess why), and billionaires seems to live to like 90+. I have very significant doubts it will advance much though

      Yeah but it would be nice if we all got it too. Why must we suffer from the ill effects of aging but they don’t get to? To me it’s a matter of equity.

      • plinky [he/him]@hexbear.net
        11 days ago

        Ligaments are hard, even miracle stem cells could decide to multiply wrongly, so you’ll have to do like 24/7 mri to be completely sure. They already try with stem cells, with inconsistent results I believe for athletes. It sort of hard problem is my point. drugs are much more annoying cause they are cheap, some designer physiotherapy with stem cells injections is 1-3 people on the clock doing stuff for one person for two months, it’s not feasible that way, just due to labor, best we can hope for is injections will show it’s usefulness, slap on a bum and a new type of slings.

        For billionaires, It’s more like they don’t do shit, and sit in well ventilated filtrated air for most of life.

        • bidenicecream@hexbear.netOP
          11 days ago

          I’ve been seeing good research on mesenchymal stem cells (not embryonic or other types).

          But basically, anytime I hear someone say “this is too hard” I just think all the times that had been said throughout history (“humans will never achieve powered flight” or “humans will never break the sound barrier” or “humans will never achieve escape velocity to go into space”) so yeah I guess yeah…

          • plinky [he/him]@hexbear.net
            11 days ago

            My point was, drugs are obvious point of disgusting ip laws, it’s good to push on them cause it’s cheapest most obvious effect. If you say tomorrow ip laws on drugs are gone and I lose my acl I would take it. something like widely available physiotherapy is for more relaxed society which has more time for people in general, instead of 50 hours a week worked in usa.