I want to know how polar bears figured out that they need an air hole in their dens. Is that passed down instinctually or demonstratively? Animals are so cool.
“OK, that works. Come to think of it, that’s how momma did it.”
The second Jurassic Park book had a neat idea. What if much of the animal behavior we see is taught and not instinctual? The dinosaurs start fouling their poorly made nests and stomping all over their eggs because they didn’t have parents to emulate or teach them. Been thinking on that for over 20 years.
I want to know how polar bears figured out that they need an air hole in their dens. Is that passed down instinctually or demonstratively? Animals are so cool.
Surely that was a suggestion by Saddam. Seems he was a really nice guy.
The ones without that instinct died. That’s how natural selection works.
Bear who made more holes survived?
Btw, don’t they get snowed shut?
I think the heat produced by the bears keep the vents open, but that’s an un-educated guess.
The ones that didn’t figure out didn’t breed and make more bears.
“Well this sucks, can’t breathe.”
Punches hole in roof to get air
“OK, that works. Come to think of it, that’s how momma did it.”
The second Jurassic Park book had a neat idea. What if much of the animal behavior we see is taught and not instinctual? The dinosaurs start fouling their poorly made nests and stomping all over their eggs because they didn’t have parents to emulate or teach them. Been thinking on that for over 20 years.