I stripped this screw in my laptop and as such can’t open the back cover to replace parts.
Things I’ve tried: -Different size/type screwdrivers -Rubber band -Hammer -Hot glue gun
Edit: got it unsuck. Thanks everyone for the advice
I stripped this screw in my laptop and as such can’t open the back cover to replace parts.
Things I’ve tried: -Different size/type screwdrivers -Rubber band -Hammer -Hot glue gun
Edit: got it unsuck. Thanks everyone for the advice
Oh, Canada.
The US missed out on both the Robertson screw head and the metric system!
And pozidrive!
We use Robertson here. Mostly for cabinet work, but we still use it. I’ve actually been switching a lot of the screws in my house with them. (Was built in 1970.) Even used them to fix my vacuum recently in the same situation as OP’s.