Screenshot of social media post. Reads, “Everyone was saying that the May geomag activity had no impact on the satellites. Of course we knew this was wrong. Over one hundred sats re-entered during this period and now a paper is showing that thousands of Starlinks had to move. Holy fuck. Imagine if those thousands had to re-enter. This. Is. Insane. We. Must. Stop. Launching. Shit. NOW.”
I hardly think a post by some random (me) is “raising the god of the apocalypse”. But that’s sweet of you to say <3
And you are correct that there are significant other issues, with known effects, that need to be addressed as well.
Have you compared it to the amount of meteors that enters the earth’s atmosphere daily? That’s on average 48.5 tons. Every day. Those are made up of silicates, carbon, metals, all kinds of stuff.
i meant the hysterical "This. Is. Insane. We. Must. Stop. Launching. Shit. NOW. "