• novacomets
    2 months ago

    Jameet Singh is an extreme leftist because government got a pay raise for their salaries while taxes have gone up. Everything like food and clothing is going up again in April from policies supported by Jagmeet Singh.

    I suspect that he would support a 90% income tax, of course he would never publicly discuss wanting a 90% or 100% income tax. He believes that the Canadian people who have a job get to keep too much of government’s money and he wants all citizens to live in poverty so government can have their money. Jagmeet Singh believes that people don’t need to buy food when they can give their grocery money to the government.

    Singh believes it’s the people’s repsonsibilities to fund government handouts, the people must pay for polician’s pensions, pay for all politician’s travelling expenes, pay for politician’s houses, pay the government so polician