20s ADHDer, lesbian, 🌱, she/her

Certified Zoomer.

I use Arch (btw)

Master of jack, trades of all none—or however that saying goes, I don’t remember.

Supposed radical vegan extremist. Kinda based


  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I am the vegan extremist who banned Rooki and am the catalyst of this. The amount of shit you get for volunteering for a job no-one wants to do fucking sucks. I really appreciate the gratitude that’s expressed from bloodmouths especially /s

    Lemmy seems to harbor more resentment towards vegans than Reddit does, which is truly an incredible feat. Reactionaries, carnist apologists, debatemebros, are in no short order here, and have been circlejerking about this for two weeks now. An outstanding advertisement for places like vegantheoryclub.org, completely free from carnist vitriol.

    I’m sorry to the vegans that have been affected by this. I tried to make this place a vegan place, but it is apparent that the powers that be are in opposition to this. Thanks for putting your trust in me, and thanks for the other moderators here <3

    Be kind to all Earthlings.

  • Here’s the thread (archive link) that the admin intervened in:

    @[email protected], cats CAN NOT survive for long with a vegan diet. Its dangerous for them. Cats are carnivores.

    Please refrain from removing warnings about such dangerous facts. Everyone who killed their cats by doing so, have a nice rest of your life knowing you killed your loved pet.

    p.s. yes i am a cat owner.

    Edit: to the rest of the mods: Dont promote harmfull things for pets. @[email protected] and @Eevoltic are demoted.

    If anyone else thinks pets should be vegan i have no problem banning them for being a troll and promoting killing pets.

    Just that you heard it from me too: YES cats can survive vegan diet for few months but prolonged exposure and it gets harmful for the pet and even death.

    Edit: This was in-between the comments by @[email protected] being removed/restored