
  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2022


  • It just so happens that under Russian rule, Russian rulers will be making profit instead of Ukrainian rulers.

    I think we’re missing a couple of nuances here, no? Although it’s a stretch to call them nuance. The way Ukrainian rulers have been making money has been through privatization. And because there’s so much privatization we need to look at who owns Ukraine’s economy. It’s only escalated since Russia invaded, with national assets being sold off to foreign private sectors so cheaply that one has to wonder why they did it when the gains are a drop in the bucket compared to the direct aid they’ve been getting from Western public sectors.

    If Ukraine emerges from this conflict with its own sovereignty, it’ll be sovereignty over a flag, a presidential palace and a state framework that protects foreign companies’ investments from hungry Ukrainians.

  • Presumably you only need to buy ammo if you’ve used the ammo you already have… or am I missing something?

    So what the fuck is going on in that stupid fucking country that members of the public are having to stop by a vending machine to ‘top up’ their ammo? The fuck is everyone shooting at?

    Apart from schools. I know people shoot at schools but I’m given to understand that school shooters don’t need to replenish spent ammo after shooting because they’re either dead or in jail. Or are they?

  • I think the only thing Western leftists have to offer is withholding their consent for war/conflict.

    China’s recent changes in Visa policy are interesting. Previously it’s been evident that they’ve been willing to spend zero effort on their pop image in the West, which shows how much difference they think public opinion has on Western government policy. Visa free entry being opened to a swathe of Western countries reflects a change in attitude: maybe they think that a positive Westerner view of China is more valuable now, maybe they think it’s easier to push back against “China Bad” propaganda now.

    The fact that US and UK are notably excluded from the visa-free policy suggests Beijing sees more potential in Australian and European public opinion.

  • PRC and DPRK have completely different circumstances.

    China spent decades avoiding antagonising the West and quietly developing its economy (Deng’s “Lay low and develop the productive forces”) to the point where Western economies were so dependent on China that they can’t cut it down to size anymore. DPRK had no such potential as they were already severely sanctioned.

    So while DPRK has been able to always be outspokenly on the right side of history, no other socialist state can match the PRC’s ability to aid other states in their development, share potentially world-saving green energy solutions across the global South, stake a socialist presence on the moon and Mars which would otherwise be de facto American frontiers, and have its private sector take money from Western gamers and use it fund fusion power research.