Depends on who you talk to. I personally am against making money off merely owning land or buildings, but that’s just me. Most people seem to loosely define an evil wealth level as “significantly more than what I have”.
Fourth school: “All your social theory does is rationalize taking away my stuff, and I want to keep my stuff, so fuck you.”
Makes sense that Europeans inherited the Roman custom of bathing. There’s a brief mention that the Romans didn’t use soap. They did have soap, but most people thought water loosened the grime, and they scraped themselves with an implement called a “stringel” - which is where our word “astringent” comes from.
Sorry but his first name is a pre-existing condition he doesn’t have to cover.
I vaguely remember the “sex ed” video our Catholic elementary school showed as an optional parent/kid evening event. The most direct it got about sex was a line drawing of a cow and a bull, then a dotted line arrow appeared from the bull’s crotch area to the cow’s, as the narrator said, “The male inserts his penis into the vagina of the female…” then stuff about the sperm fertilizing the egg. We were left completely clueless until we figured out the details by trial and error in high school.
A guy I worked with had a real newspaper headline pinned up above his desk:
Port Asks Serial Levy for Terminal Access
when you tell someone you honestly truly object to both kinds of violence
cuz either you agree with them 100% or you’re a hypocrite!
Patrick Stewart once said American tea was one thing he would never get used to. “For a proper cup of tea the water must be boiling when it hits the leaves.” He really didn’t like being brought a carafe of somewhat hot water with a teabag next to it. Even as an American I can relate.
Alarm set for 37:80 repeating every Blernsday
My advice is to enroll in a community college acting class and really throw yourself into it. Worked wonders for me, in fact it turned my whole life around. I didn’t become a professional actor but it changed how I look at everything. Take job interviews - I reframed them as not being job interviews, I already work there, I’ve been away on a sabbatical or something and it’s my first day back. Think how great it will be to see everybody again! It’s a fantastic group, we all like each other, the manager is awesome… so I get into that character and when I walk in I’m genuinely glad to be there and everybody feels it - not the formal politeness of a typical super-nervous applicant, instant comfort level and 100% culture fit. There are lots more ways acting experience benefited me - one was the almost instant social life. Rehearsals, going out for pizza, cast parties, other parties, dating - theatre women are a blast, and tbh a straight guy doing theatre is golden. I went from overanxious introverted computer nerd to sociable, confident, dare-I-say Man About Town, puttin’ on the Ritz.
edit: regarding age - I started in my late 20s but late 30s is totally fine. Most of the students were early 20s, people who had gone to work right after high school for a few years and had gone back to school. But there were people older than myself. There may or may not be people there your age in a particular class, but it doesn’t matter. When you’re doing a character you aren’t who you are anyway. So don’t let that hold you back.
I get it… the People’s Front of Judea vs the fucking Judean People’s Front.
Could be Luigi.
Leftists hate themselves?
The mentality goes back much farther than the 1960s. In a traditional Christian family the father is the giver of rules and justice. “Wait til your father gets home!” Kids learn that doing what daddy says leads to rewards and disobedience leads to punishment. Follow the rules and you prosper, break them and you suffer. This translates very directly into thinking poor people must be bad people. They must have broken the rules somewhere along the line because look how they’re being punished. Wealthy people must have done all the right things in all the right ways, because they’re getting rewarded with prosperity and that’s what’s supposed to happen. f you’re conditioned into that mindset, class differences make perfect sense.
Drug research hasn’t been about cures for decades, it’s all about “maintenance”.
Have to admit I’m surprised. I really expected this to be a romantic triangle or business rivalry thing.
They just meant anonymous in the sense that they wouldn’t publish the results on Facebook.
I think the worst, most despicable description of eating dog meat was the flat-out lie that Haitians in Springfield, Ohio were eating people’s pets.
Why is this about “the west”? Also what is a vegan who objects to eating dogs? Also what’s morally wrong with loving a meat animal like a pet until it’s time to slaughter it? We love all kinds of things that we know we’ll eventually get rid of - is that really wrong? So many questions.