KobaCumTribute [she/her]

  • 27 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2020

  • A lot of people here are missing the funniest thing about this: SAI is floundering, has lost most of its tech talent, and suffered hard to the double punch of SD3 sucking complete shit and Flux showing up like a month later and being everything people had expected SD3 to be but better. SAI has also been pivoting away from the open source release model that got them literally all of the attention they’ve gotten in the first place.

    So it looks like James Cameron’s role with this would be trying to use his reputation to grift more investor money to keep the company that now doesn’t have the engineers responsible for all the popular Stable Diffusion models anymore afloat. I wonder if he knows he’s hopping onto a failing grift or if they’ve successfully tricked him into thinking there’s anything of value left in SAI?

  • Just going off open source models, most of them are at least somewhat better than that out of the box, and certain strains of model have a bunch of tools built around forcing it into a more reasonable state (like modern descendants of SD1.5 - a model from two years ago - fail hard on their own 9 times out of 10, but there’s a mature ecosystem of tools to control post-NAI-leak SD1.5 and cover for its flaws). The most recent big model, Flux, is terrifyingly accurate on its own although it still tends to get proportions subtly wrong in very offputting ways.

    Closed source models are impenetrable and no one knows what they’re doing under the hood since the public only interacts with them with prompt boxes and every company is being super secretive about whatever they’re doing.

    That said, I do agree that it feels like there’s something fundamentally wrong with the way “AI” is currently being focused on. It’s like what’s being trained now are eyes (and backwards eyes that reverse the process of seeing to produce an image from how that image might be parsed) and speech centers, and there’s all this hype that the speech center bits can just be made big enough to start being smart instead of just being a potentially useful bit of language processing, and I really can’t help but feel like it’s just a flawed overfixation on one novel bit of tech kind of like how rockets became the standard for space launches because primitive rocket tech looked neat and had already been developed.

  • The wood chip and dirt thing is from an actual michelin starred restaurant showing off their deranged, awful food in a video lmao (granted it wasn’t served on the food, it was served in little cups next to it with the recommendation that people huff the dirt to make the food taste “earthy”). I did make up the pate and caviar aspic thing, but that was just to characterize all the other awful things they were including that I couldn’t remember the specifics.

  • That reminds me of the sort of tropey way food and cooking always seems to be talked about in anime and manga where characters will just stop to monologue about how crucial [super specific ingredient] is to some dish and wax on about how it has to be so fresh and high quality and it’s not [dish] if it doesn’t have the best ingredients, which is obviously a cartoonish caricature but it reminds me so much of how certain Americans talk about steak or some regional “specialty” like they think putting ketchup on smoked pork is some sort of trade secret or good at all.

    And then I think of the more or less exact opposite: videos from a Thai chef, I forget who, talking about how to make a dish and just being like “yeah the authentic way is to use [specific local ingredient] but that’s really just used because it grows all over the place and is easy to get there but it can be hard to find in the US, so just use this or that alternative instead and it’ll be fine, and then you can use this or that general sort of thing for the main bulk of it, but really what’s most important is that you’re striking the right balance of flavors…” and being 100% correct about every part of that.

  • I fundamentally reject any sort of cooking that’s hyper focused on needing the most perfect and super special of all ingredients to work and that’s all about how awesome and cool the ingredients are. It’s far more impressive and valuable to be able to take whatever assorted ingredients and scraps happen to be on hand and produce something wholesome and good from it than it is to “master” the “fine art” of having something “amazing” to start with and not “ruining it” by changing or controlling where it ends up.

    Haute cuisine is bad no matter where its from. Cooking should be something adaptable and vulgar, not rigid and prestigious.

  • You literally have to be a Michelin Chef

    A michelin chef would like, serve it on wood chips with some potting soil and like a pate and caviar aspic or some shit, and it would be the most revolting thing you’ve ever tasted but it cost $1000 so you pretend it’s amazing to save face.

    it has enough natural flat and can absorb way more flavor than dry ass chicken breast.

    Literally just marinade it in oil, vinegar, and spices first, then cook it with plenty of garlic. Or just fry it plain with some oil then chop it up and toss it in curry or some other sort of flavorful sauce/stew to soak up that flavor.

    Generally the solution to something being bland on its own is to just use spices and sauces and work out how to cook them into it. That’s what’s so wrong with the like steak sort of approach to cooking where you’re just throwing something at a pan and what comes out is kind of mediocre but palatable, because it’s trying to turn laziness and not using spices into some intricate art of how to make that not turn out bad when you could instead just use better methods and also spices and get something much better with barely any more work.

  • I think it’s like a decadence and wealth thing, because it feels like the whole idea behind them is that the cooking is just there to bring out the innate quality of the singular ingredient and anything but the mildest and most rote additions are treated as somehow sullying it, with the implicit idea that the quality is directly tied to how expensive and luxurious it is. It’s such a boring, gross, and fundamentally backwards way of approaching cooking imo, where instead of working with methods and available ingredients to make something good you instead start from the idea that you must not disrupt the natural quality of your expensive and luxurious one allowed ingredient and that it should be savored as the blandly decadent thing that it is.

    Good kofta is better than even the “finest” and most decadent steak and I will fight anyone who disagrees.

  • Not a fan of this quote really. It seems to be built on the premise that humans are somehow incapable of sincerely believing in nonsense because, I don’t know, we’re just inherently rational or something?

    I think it’s just observing a sort of nihilistic troll behavior that’s probably a thing that some people have always done, where the contents of what’s being said doesn’t matter so long as they’re at once inflammatory and self-serving. It shouldn’t be taken to conclude that everyone who is awful is just maliciously pretending, but that there’s a certain sort of bombastic troll who just makes up shit on the spot and says it with a shit eating grin and complete conviction, knowing that it’s bullshit but enjoying the harm it causes and the way it furthers their own goals.

    It’s like a less formalized, more intuitive version of neoreactionary meme magic bullshit, just saying things you just made up over and over until people believe them.

  • I think I’ve said this before, but if Cyberpunk as a genre was just getting started now it would be about China instead and would be even more racist. Like the role of Japanese corporations in Cyberpunk was largely anxiety over Japan’s tech industry competing with American industry and nativist fears that they’d turn around and dominate the US instead of remaining a client state, but it also had a fair bit of fetishism and was taking inspiration from Japanese Cyberpunk media as well.

    If it were just now forming it would be nothing but frothing hatred and fear of China becoming a hegemon on par with what the US has been, and probably made up of like 90% weird bullshit redditors have memed themselves into believing.

  • I saw a link in this thread to a year old review of that hog slop

    Wasn’t that me linking my old review? The “Made in Abyss is the worst thing ever made” thread?

    I am baffled, disturbed, and deeply disappointed that even that got excuses made for it from some Hexbears back then.

    Some of the deleted comments in that thread were people arguing in its favor. I still see people recommend it now and then and I’m always quick to jump on them for it.

    Like just to contextualize this, I like grindhouse as a genre. I like awful slop as a spectacle. I watched (pirated) all of SAO and enjoyed riffing on how bad so much of it was. I sat through (pirated) all of Overlord and found it something that’s awful in a way that’s fun to mock and hate because as gross and bad as it is it’s still in the tier where you can point at it and say “lmao wtf, that’s awful” instead of just feeling sick. I watched (pirated) those shitty Piranha reboots that literally included jokes about breast sizes in their titles and thought they were entertainingly dumb, gratuitous movies. I enjoyed (pirated) the Sci-Fi channel original series Blood Drive about a death race with cars that are powered by human blood for some reason. I think Hellsing Ultimate is actually kind of good if also dumb and very gratuitous, as in lingering on graphically killing literal Nazis so long that it starts to get kind of boring and repetitive, which is a concept one wouldn’t think possible but they manage it somehow. And Made in Abyss actually haunts me with how awful and also just sort of shit it is.

    Although that said, I have seen short blurbs about things that might rival it for being unwatchably awful that I’m never going to bother with because they also look boring and gross. Live everything I’ve heard about Peter Grill for example makes me think two things: that it may actually rival Made in Abyss in repulsiveness and also peter-running. Shield Hero and Redo of Healer are also in the “maybe this is as bad, but I don’t feel like confirming it” dumpster.

    I had a similar experience to each and every attempt for treat hogs in my local area (coworkers too, unfortunately) to show me the “good parts” of Game of Thrones.

    I hate the GoT showrunners and all their OC, and even the early seasons I thought were decent when I first saw them looked cheap and mid when I revisited them a few years later, and I want to stress that even that is nowhere near how bad this is, that’s how bad it is.