Best of the Worst from Redlettermedia. I have a problem.
Best of the Worst from Redlettermedia. I have a problem.
This is a really good point, and I’d like to add that older memes, such as the ones that we are revisiting as a community, seemed to be more cohesive and less fracturing to the entirety of the internet community once upon a time. As the internet grew and became more diverse in platforms, so did the memes, creating fractures. It’s almost like the internet became the Tower of Babel with meme, these olds ones just remind us of a more unified internet.
Nintendo needs to release old-school versions of Mario, Zelda, and Metroid again, maybe hiring out an indie developer like Sega did for Sonic.
I mean, that’s a fair response. Given that the dude is an alleged human trafficking psycho, I’d say that his behavior and notions could potentially be seen as dangerous and/or purposely being done for his weird gains.
I’m sick of seeing Andrew Tate and this alpha male bullshit.
Pick your battles.
I appreciate this sentiment, but I kinda dig the LEDs. We just ordered bookshelves that have them installed, and I’m kinda giddy about reading books while be illuminated from the home of the books, lol.
I’m an excessive kinda guy.
It didn’t take long for the bigots to show up, lol
That’s a pretty bold statement, I have a dog and don’t feel that way at all. I’ve also owned several cats. Interesting point though.
It might also be a socioeconomic type thing too. Dogs are more expensive and usually requires property that is owned and not rented, at least where I live.
Yeah, you should totally go. It’s like unwinding a very complex knot of thoughts and emotions. It’s always nice to have a non bias view on your life.