AernaLingus [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2022


  • Have you tried a cooling vest? I got one of those phase-change dealies this summer and it really made things bearable compared to when I was almost fainting after a 30 minute walk. I’m actually still wearing it now even though things have cooled down, since it’s more comfy and I end up sweating a lot less.

  • Prone to overheating
    Uppies? Please pick me up!
    Please hug me! cuddle
    Overwhelmed easily
    Social anxiety - please be patient
    I don’t know what pronoun badge to pick screm-aaaaa (I know my flair says “any” but what it really means is “there’s a pronoun that makes me happier to hear but I’m too chickenshit to ask for it”)

    One time when I was super depressed I randomly ran into a fursuiter in public and they gave me a big hug and a piece of candy and it really cheered me up, at least for that day. Honestly makes me tear up just thinking about it. It’s amazing what a difference a simple gesture of connection and kindness can make when you’re feeling so utterly alone and alienated.

  • Thanks for sharing! Much to my own surprise, I ended up reading the whole thing. Design has always seemed a little mystical to me as someone with almost zero aesthetic sense, so it was really helpful to have it broken down in such a straightforward and actionable way. Definitely something I will revisit next time I’m starting a project!

    Also, the new design is a major step up in usability–I especially appreciate the prominent search bar and the improved information density/availability of information without scrolling. Aesthetically speaking, I think the replacement of the banner with just text and a logo makes the page a lot more elegant and also makes it so that the eyes are drawn more naturally to the actual content.