Seattle area, about 30 feet up in a tree. A few small dark flying insects were buzzing around it but I couldn’t see them clearly.
I would guess it’s a Hyphantria cunea nest, Fall Webworm. They’re harmless, neat things
They’re harmless, neat things
Or, if you’re an entomophobe, TREE HORROR.
Is the Fall Webworm similar to Tent Moth Caterpillars?
Living in NC & we get tons of tent moth caterpillars every year.
Yup, very similar! Although I’m pretty sure the idea that tent caterpillars are destructive is a myth? I read that they’re very unlikely to cause any actual harm to the trees. I think it started just because humans consider the webs an eyesore?
I think you’re right about the damage. They definitely make a mess out of the leaves, but the leaves grow back & the actual tree, bush, or plant seems fine.
They hit hackberries in my beck of the woods, worst part is the worm poo. Little black pellets, smaller’n a pinhead, piles up everywhere.