Case will determine future of mifepristone in first major abortion issue to reach country’s highest court since it overturned Roe

The US supreme court on Wednesday agreed to hear oral arguments in a case that could determine the future of a pill used in most abortions in the US, in the first major abortion rights case to land at the country’s highest court since the justices overturned Roe v Wade and abolished the national right to the procedure in 2022.

A decision in the case will probably arrive in summer 2024, just months before the presidential election. The outcome of the case could affect not just access to the pill, which has been repeatedly deemed safe and effective, but the Federal Drug Administration’s authority to regulate all manner of medications.

The drug at the heart of the case is mifepristone, one of the two drugs typically used in medication abortions, which make up the majority of US abortions. Last year, an association of anti-abortion organizations and doctors, the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, filed a federal lawsuit arguing that the FDA had overstepped its authority when it approved mifepristone in 2000.

    10 months ago

    The very idea that a larger group of people allow themselves to tell another group of people what they may do with their body or mind is anathema.

    No drug should be illegal. No surgery illegal.

    We are not the property of civilization. Our bodies and minds belong to ourselves. We may do with them as we wish, individually.

    The only valid purpose of civilization is to improve the quality of life of everyone but it must do so in a voluntary and non-authoritarian manner.

    In the US, the DEA should be a giant drug rehabilitation clinic & education center. Any military and intelligence apparatus should be converted to stop slavery.

    Anything different is illegitimate and unjust.