I keep forgetting to do these, but WhoRoger sent me this recently, and it’s now all I can think about.
Please suggest your own captions for this pic.
Also: please feel free suggest any other images we can use for future contests, (or any suggestions for Wednesday themes, for that matter.)
Well, now I know why Greedo shot first.
Han always shoots first with those cannons.
Someone tweet this at Harrison Ford. Or whatever tweeting is called these days.
Trans-galactic smuggler, Hana Solo
SoloDuo“Yes, I shot first”
“I’m a smuggler, kid. That’s why I had these babies installed!”
“Oh! How much can they hold?”
“If the lighting is right, a whole squadron! That’s how we smuggled an entire freighter’s worth of chak-root on to Coruscant!”
‘I’m also a qualified pilot on a motorboat you know’
Who’s scruffy looking now, tinytits Leia!?
“Awww, tits!”
You came in the thing? How?
I spit out my tea when I saw this one.
So, what do you think about that Anakin?
Well, you know, I couldn’t find a speeder that I really liked…