For the better part of two years, artificial intelligence technologies have been a nonstop gift for US equities investors. The Nasdaq 100 Index rose 92% from the start of 2023, adding more than $14 trillion in value and minting billions for a handful of tech executives and founders.
-1 trillion in tech -> a bunch of lemon companies go out of business -> commercial real estate get like 3% cheaper -> real estate market collapse -> Trump tries to loot some country in a war -> thwarted by coalition -> can’t afford military anymore -> USD loses its global reserve status -> -1 trillion in global privilege -> collapse of everything else American -> Israel can only be sent hundreds of millions in arms instead of billions -> dissolution of the entity
-1 trillion in tech -> a bunch of lemon companies go out of business -> commercial real estate get like 3% cheaper -> real estate market collapse -> Trump tries to loot some country in a war -> thwarted by coalition -> can’t afford military anymore -> USD loses its global reserve status -> -1 trillion in global privilege -> collapse of everything else American -> Israel can only be sent hundreds of millions in arms instead of billions -> dissolution of the entity
Funny enough, bullish for bitcoin
“This is good for Bitcoin, actually”