For those harsh moments of lucidity that break through the armor and pierce your heart.
For me, the cute moments of playful experimentation couldn’t quite penetrate my denial, but they did weaken it enough for the strong hits to make it through. I would quickly try to block and repair as best I could, but the structure was compromised and couldn’t hold like before. All these hits came from myself; from actually considering that I could be trans
or maybe you were never allowed to think about any of that ever because your parents were abusive and you just wanted to be left in peace and now it’s difficult to want anything except for life (aka the misery) to end? yeah me neither, no idea how that thought came to be
You can’t live without the suffering, but you can live without the emptiness and hopelessness. You can escape misery, even if there is still pain.
It took me a while to understand this comic when I first saw it, but I get it now.
For the longest time I just dismissed the possibility of being trans, because obviously I wasn’t. Would sure have been nice to have been born a girl, though…
Fortunately even the strongest denial eventually withers after hearing Actual Trans People talking about their experiences which were exactly like mine. Gee, funny that.
“Obviously I’m not trans! Those other girls are lucky enough to be born trans, but not me. I’m unlucky to have been born cis” 😔
The endless cycle of “not trans2 enough to be trans2”. (Echoes of What the Tortoise Said to Achilles for the math geeks)
Not trans^ω enough to be trans^ω
When I was a teenager still I was buying women’s clothes, trying to arrange a girl’s night with a female friend of mine, had picked and used a feminine name, and even painfully explained to my boss at the time (who insisted I was a gay man) that I wasn’t a gay man but actually it was like I was a woman on the inside so I was maybe a gay woman. Never did the thought even cross my mind that I might be trans.
When the idea came up later that I might be trans, I ruled it out easily. Trans women knew they were girls when they were three years old, and they were in medically significant distress from being in the wrong body. I had gone through childhood as a boy without any such self-conception as a girl, let alone severe distress. As far as I could tell, I experienced no dysphoria. I couldn’t have been trans, the DSM made that clear to me.
It was over a decade later before I learned that gender dysphoria can look like what I experienced, or that I actually had fairly common and stereotypical trans experiences, like dressing in my mom’s heels as a four year old and continuing to “cross” dress throughout my childhood and into adulthood. Oops.
I fully believed I was a cishet boy for my entire childhood. I never once considered that I could be, or even wanted to be a girl. I legit didn’t know; the reveal was a total surprise 😰
The only good gender reveal
I am a person without financial and social capitals for transition, who therefore settled for as much gender non-conformity as socially allowed.
But thank you for asking 🥹
Oof. Regardless of how much you’re able to do, you would still be considered what you wish you could be
You didn’t have to stab me straight in the face like that.
i’ve found cracks recently
cracks very similar to these
a hefty dose of imposter syndrome, of how fucking DARE i cheapen the trans struggle i root for so many people through by even considering that i might be worthy of it. I can’t be a girl! That would be so HARD and I am SO LAZY! Surely I’m just making it up, and if I ignore it, it’ll go away, right?
and i worry that if i actually try to talk to my friends about it–EVEN the ones whom are trans themselves!!–they will try to “supportively” reassure me that i am cis
and the thought of that … the thought of hearing them say that … nauseates me.
…possibly almost more than the implications of my life being turned upside down. Or rather, acknowledging that it may in fact have been upside down all along and having to face the grueling, excruciating hardship of what it’d take to turn it right-side-up for the first time in my existence ._.
Ah yes, imposter syndrome over not only being a girl, but over being trans. I’d champion trans rights till the day I died, but I clearly didn’t deserve to be more than an ally 🙄
exactly D: how the fuck is this even possible that i can root so hard for the people i love, assist them with transportation, research for paperwork, covering expenses, but when it crosses my mind that i find myself wishing that i could do for myself what i do for them … i feel guilty??? what the fuck…
i feel like i’m out of line just writing this, questioning if what i’m feeling is legitimate even as my eyes are literally filling with tears as i type
Don’t worry! I’ll never “reassure” you that you’re cis. You’re not out of line. You’re not stealing any valor. You’re just you, and that’s ok 💖
Come here! 🤗
Oh my, I don’t know if you can close this box. I doubt the genie will fit back in. It might be more trouble trying to find your way back than to move forward.
I recently realized that the transition itself wasn’t the hardest part for me. I wasn’t brave for transitioning, as I only went through with it when there was nothing left to lose. The part that really took courage was accepting myself. That was more scary than any of the struggles I’ve had trying to transition. Having the courage to love me was harder than fighting for treatment, dealing with political anxieties, and learning how to be fem. I want to fight for myself now, but working up the courage to do that was the toughest battle.
… I’m so … Incredibly grateful. For what you said.
I bookmarked this, and I’ve been coming back to it day after day
I can’t tell you how much it means to me, how validating it is, to know that I’m not alone
I don’t care what it says, you’re totally Jessica to me X3
Aww, ty!
I remember getting pissed that I didnt consider myself femine and wanted to be, also people around me wont let me be feminine