Chinese workers and scientists have created the first seawater electrolysis system that produces hydrogen directly from ocean water using offshore wind power, a renewable energy source. Hydrogen is a clean, versatile fuel that traditionally could only be produced using an expensive high-energy process to first desalinate ocean water.

Chinese researchers have designed a material that reflects the sun’s rays and can be welded together in planks. When attached to the outside surface of buildings, the planks reduce temperatures inside then, cutting down the need for air conditioning and reducing carbon emissions. The plank material is made of gelatin and DNA from organic matter, which can be made biodegradable and converts ultra-violet (UV) radiation into visible light. This plank technology opens the way for further innovative, sustainable cooling materials.

At the end of 2023, [the People’s Republic of] China had produced 1.27 million registered drones; these are huge pilot-free cargo planes that can carry a 500-kilogram (1,100-pound) load as far as 500 kilometers (310 miles) with a maximum range of 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles). They can be used for transportation, fire and rescue teams and flood control and disaster relief work. They are 70% quicker and 30% cheaper than conventional cross-sea transport.

U.S. corporations are threatened by all the Chinese innovations being developed and transforming the world. They know that when privately owned capitalist industries have monopoly control of an industry, their only goal is to maximize profits.